***All items must be priced and tagged prior to delivery.*** You will fill out all of your tags online and then print them. All of your information and your barcode will be on your tags when printed.
Once you register to consign, and you have received your consignor number, you can log onto your Consignor page by clicking on "Consignor Login" on our home page. Once you are there, click on "Work With Consigned Inventory". Then Click on "Work With My Consigned Item (Active Inventory)" and begin to fill out your tags. You can also click on "Print Your Tags" on our home page, log in with your consignor information, and then click on "Work With My Consigned Item (Active Inventory)". PLEASE USE THESE TAGS ONLY.
You must print your tags on WHITE card stock.
We will be selling your items for the price you put on your tags on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of our sale. However, Saturday is our half-price sale. If you want your items, that have not sold prior to Saturday, to sell for half-price, please make sure you check the box for your item to be "discounted" when filling out your tags online. If you do NOT want your items to be sold for half-price, then you do not need to check the "discount" box.
On your tags, make sure you type in your Consignor Number, Size if applicable, Category, Description, and Price. The more information, the better. Please indicate if your item if for a boy or girl in your description. You will not see the "category" section on your tags, that is for our inventory purposes. For size, there is a "Leave Blank" option to choose if size is not applicable to your item.
ATTENTION: You have the option of picking up your unsold items on Saturday afternoon March 5th from 3-5 pm or donating your unsold items to charity. If you would like to donate your unsold items to charity, please check the box when filling out your tags to "Donate" your items. If you want any unsold items back, then please do NOT check this box. When you are finished and you view your tags, if you checked to donate your items, you will see a Large "D" on the left side which means we will donate that item if it doesn't sell.
***Items not sold, that you want to pick up, must be picked up on Saturday March 5th from 3:00 pm – 5:00pm. ALL ITEMS THAT AREN’T PICKED UP BY 5:00 PM WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY. There are no exceptions.
• All items marked to "discount" will be marked with a RED STAR above the price tag when you view your tags and they will be sold half-price on Saturday if they did not sell at full price on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
• All items that are not marked to "discount" will be sold at full price even on our 1/2 price day sale and will NOT have a red star on the tag. (If you are planning on donating your items to charity if they do not sell, then please consider checking the box to "discount" your item on 1/2 price day so they have a better chance of selling at our half price sale and you make money and our church benefits.)
• Again, All tagged items with a RED STAR are marked to "discount" and will be sold for half price at our 1/2 price sale on Saturday. All tagged items that are marked with a Large "D" on the left are marked to "donate" and will be donated to charity after the sale is over and unavailable for pick up.
Clothing- We prefer that you use metal hangers so that clothing does not fall off, however, we will accept plastic hangers. We want to make sure your items stay on the hangers so they will sell, so metal hangers are the best option if available to you. We will NOT accept the pant/skirt hangers with clamps. They take up too much room on the racks and clothing does not stay on as well. Please note that we will NOT be returning your hangers to you from the items that sell. You may want to see if you can get some from the dry cleaners if you don’t have enough. Use safety pins to attach shorts, pants, skirts and smaller clothing to the TOP of the hangers so they don’t fall off or slide around. No clothes pins, straight pins, or small GOLD safety pins please.
***All tags MUST be secured with a safety pin on the UPPER RIGHT side of the garment, with the hanger facing left as seen in the picture.***This makes it easier for the shopper to find your tags.
***All tags MUST be secured with a safety pin on the UPPER RIGHT side of the garment, with the hanger facing left as seen in the picture.***This makes it easier for the shopper to find your tags.

Shoes- All shoes must be bound together with a zip tie as a pair, or if they fit, put inside a Ziploc bag. If they are bound with a zip tie, please hole punch your tag and zip tie the tag to the pair of shoes. If you put them in a Ziploc bag, please use clear tape and tape your tag to the inside of the Ziploc bag so the tag does not fall out. No masking tape please.
Toys- Please put any loose toy parts in a Ziploc bag and attach to the toy. Please use clear packing tape (just enough to keep the tag on) to tape your tag to the toy in a visible spot. Don’t forget to put batteries in your toys that need them! We cannot accept a toy without batteries. We have to see that the toy is in working condition.
Larger items- Please use clear packing tape (just enough to keep tag on) to attach your tag in a visible spot.
Books- Please put books in Ziploc bags if possible and use clear tape to attach your tag to the inside of the Ziploc bag so it doesn't fall out. If you cannot fit the book in a Ziploc bag, please tape your price to the back of the book with clear packing tape (just enough to keep the tag on).
***Group small items that belong together in Ziploc bags: socks, hairbows, hats, bibs, burping cloths, small toys, etc… Please tape tag with clear tape on the inside of the Ziploc bag so it doesn't fall out.
Toys- Please put any loose toy parts in a Ziploc bag and attach to the toy. Please use clear packing tape (just enough to keep the tag on) to tape your tag to the toy in a visible spot. Don’t forget to put batteries in your toys that need them! We cannot accept a toy without batteries. We have to see that the toy is in working condition.
Larger items- Please use clear packing tape (just enough to keep tag on) to attach your tag in a visible spot.
Books- Please put books in Ziploc bags if possible and use clear tape to attach your tag to the inside of the Ziploc bag so it doesn't fall out. If you cannot fit the book in a Ziploc bag, please tape your price to the back of the book with clear packing tape (just enough to keep the tag on).
***Group small items that belong together in Ziploc bags: socks, hairbows, hats, bibs, burping cloths, small toys, etc… Please tape tag with clear tape on the inside of the Ziploc bag so it doesn't fall out.
SUGGESTION: If you are selling a larger item or something you have priced a little higher, you might want to print out the original price, description, and picture on-line and tape it to your item. We had one consignor do this at our last sale, and her items went quickly b/c our shoppers could see the price comparison and know that they were getting a great deal! This is just a suggestion. You don't have to do this.
**If you have questions about tagging your items, please email us at simply4kids@gmail.com